An Amazing Experience

I felt something strange in a day. how do we meet to  different people and start talking them., and at the same time we do not even realize that we are making a place in someone's heart. it is a matter of fact that we would like to be loved. but do all those things we think for them in a same manner? 
i do not like to be in a hurry.. i have learned patience. i purely respect to those people who are very up fronts and can show their emotions easily but why don't they understand that everything has a  perfect timing.  but sometimes we have to be careful so that very innocent and genuine people is not broken and they not have to suffer from our side. in just a few days someone's word touched my heart and it was such a wonderful feeling to talk with them. but for how long?  if all these things happen today, then the heart of somebody will hurt  because of me and i will not let that happen.
thank you for making me feel so special. it was just little but still i enjoyed. 
thanks for giving me such a unforgettable moments. 😃


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